Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Additional Assignment #2

Sugata Mitra a la UOCImage by UOC_Universitat via Flickr 1. What do you think? If learners are motivated, can they teach themselves? Yes, I think anyone that is willing to learn has the ability to do so.
2. If those motivated learners are kids, can they teach themselves? Yes, I do believe that if the motivated learners are kids, they can teach themselves. Sugata Mitra dropped computers in slums in different countries and left them there. When he went back 2 months later the children had learned how to operate the computers by themselves, with no guidance. Then he skyped with an Italian class.  He gave them something to look up and timed them to see how long it took them to figure out the activity. They became better and better each time. I think children can teach themselves but they need teachers to guide them and make sure they are learning what needs to be learned.
3. What conditions are necessary for kids to teach themselves? For anyone to teach him or herself? This video really is an eye opener. Mr. Mitra put computers in slum cities inside cemented walls. Some were just on blankets on the ground. So, as far as conditions as long as you have the motivational tool the children will learn no matter what their living circumstances are.

4. What role do computers and internet access play in the process? Computers combined with internet access play a huge role in education. You can find so much on the internet to enhance learning.

5. What role does motivation, a desire to learn? Motivation is the key to any learning experience. You have to spark the interest in material so the learner will want to continue finding information.  Without the spark there is no light.
6. What roles do a problem, a question or multiple problems or questions play in the process? Without the questions to spark the interest, then there would be no desire to learn the material. Guidance is the key. You can use computers for learning but you still need the guidance to make sure you are learning the appropriate material.
7. How do you motivate someone to learn? You motivate someone to learn by presenting the material in a question format and then the learner can solve the problem. 
8. How are you motivated to learn? Using the internet motivates me to learn. I am always looking for some new project to do or cake to create. Without the internet, I would have to resort to cake decorating books or buying magazines. 
9. Can anyone who is not motivated to learn learn? No, I really think you have to have a reason to want to learn. When those computers were put in those towns, that was the motivation. It was something new, something different. Those children were curious. They played around with the computers until they were able to figure them out. Even though no one said this is how you do it, they were still able to figure out some things on their own.
10. Do you teach yourself? When? Why? I do teach myself. Anytime I read a book or watch a video for this class, I teach myself. Uploading that podcast was very stressful. I finally figured out how to upload it to a host then add it to my blog. It took a while to do it but I can say I did it and I did it without any help.
11. What role does a teacher (either answer generally or use a specific example) play in your learning? Teachers are the guide to good learning. If Mr. Mitra did not ask the Italian class to look up certain things then they would never have learned the material presented without the teacher watching over them. 

12. What is the most important idea, question or emotional response you take away with you as a result of watching this video? What other questions or issues are raised by this video that should be considered and discussed by aspiring teachers? That anyone can learn if given the right tools. Most educators I come across want to be in the better schools. So, my question is WHY? If you spark the interest of these children in slum schools then obviously you can get them to learn. That is what this whole video proved.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi Lola,

    Thanks for your comment on my blog! I just read this post and I agree with the fact that with motivation, anyone can learn anything! You said, "You motivate someone to learn by presenting the material in a question format and then the learner can solve the problem." I agree with what you say about presenting something as a question, but as a student, I know that when teachers take it a step further and turns that question into a mystery or challenge that needs to be figured out, the excitement level rises and usually everyone gets engaged. For strong students, this "challenge" is a chance to affirm their knowledge and gain confidence. For students who are not as good at problem solving, the possibility of working with a group towards a common goal can be a good experience. Also, labeling the questions as a mystery instead of a question is much less daunting.

    It sounds like this is what you meant in your post, I just thought about the dynamic of problem solving in my class and wanted to point out my observations :)

    Great post!
