Saturday, November 20, 2010

Additional Assignment #5

Teacher interuppted
For this assignment we were asked to read four posts on John Spencer's blog.

I really enjoyed reading the four posts. He uses pencils in many different metaphors. He uses them to describe computers, children and teaching. My favorite post was "Sketchy Portraits: 8th grade Identity and Pencils.” This post is about the change going on with the students. I laughed at this post because I have a middle school child now and I know what he is talking about. I also thought the paragraph about elementary kids and boundaries was funny. I used to teach 1st grade and that paragraph brought back lots of memories. His writing is very interesting and I encourage people to follow his blog.

I did miss the computer point in the first assignment, but when I reread it I understood it better. His writing can be a little confusing with the metaphor approach.  His posts are good representations of what we all soon will be dealing with, and hopefully we can all find a way to develop student/teacher relationships that encourage learning the way Mr. Spencer has with his own classroom. 
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